Saturday, October 10, 2009

Have you died laughing yet today?

What happens when you combine three opening acts, hilarity, zany antics, piano and cello playing at its finest, and many quotes from the ever classic Princess Bride? Why a Jon Schmidt concert of course!

This evening Celestra and the Cache Children's Cantate Choir got to perform with Jon Schmidt here in Logan. What a blast! The kids had a great time, put on a great show, and then we all got to watch the man in action. And let me tell you, there is not a funner piano concert out there! At least to my knowledge. So if you ever get the opportunity to see him, take it! You will be sorely dissapointed if you don't.


Shannon said...

Oh my word... I am SO JEALOUS! Jon Schmidt is my favorite! FAVORITE! What an awesome night for you! Have you heard his 'Love Story Meets Meets Viva La Vida?' Love it. Love it. Love it!

Love Story Meets Viva La Vida

Joy said...

They actually played that last night. Let me tell you, even better live!