Saturday, February 21, 2009

Happy Music Days

This last week has been music central around here. Celestra had her weekly choir practice and I took my camera along and got some great pics of the kids. Being the parent liason for the choir has been a ton of fun this year. I love the kids! They are just so cute and full of energy. Now if only they would share some of it with me...

{The wide mouth belongs to cute little Jack Salmond}

{Two great friends Daniel Francis (left) and Jeremy Hardman (right)}

{Madison Beck and Bryson Hackler try to figure out the new music}

{Robyn Woodbrey hides behind her music just because she doesn't like the camera}

{Owen Sidwell studiously practices his sight reading skills}

I also got to go to a concert that some of my friends were in. It was for the choir I was part of last year, the USU Women's Chorus. It was great to see some of them again but it sure made me realize how much I miss being part of a choir. Sadly I just don't have the time for it, especially once I get back into school in the fall. One of these days I hope to be able to get back into it again.

{My friends Tonya and Jessica}

{The three of us after the concert}

1 comment:

Shannon said...

You and Celestra both have such beautiful singing voices!