Me its just work, school, run Cele everywhere she needs to go, more work, and try to find time for homework somewhere in there. I am now working two jobs. I'm still at Subway but I also now work for a lady with disabilities as her assistant. She is hilarious and I enjoy the work. Its great because we just fit it around my crazy schedule. This semester marks four semesters, counting this one, till I'm done with school. Barring any unforeseen circumstances. This means I should graduate next spring as I will be taking classes during the summer this time. I can't wait to be done. I've been in college on some level now since Cele was 5 years old. I am sooo ready to be done!
Life is never dull for us and trying to find even a few minutes to rest these days is often impossible. But I don't know what I'd do if I wasn't busy. (Hmm maybe I'd have time to catch up on that reading list...)
Well that's about it for us for now. We hope everyone is doing well! Love you all!