Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Piccolo Premier

So I'm a forgetful mom, either that or just so busy most days I can't see straight. This time I forgot to let everyone know that Cele's first concert of the year was coming up. Oh well. There will be more opportunities.

But on that note, tonight was her first band concert of the year. This year her band teacher asked her to learn to play the Piccolo and tonight was her first concert playing said instrument. She did great and even had a solo which, after hearing her practice it, I know she played just right! She did an awesome job and I get to be a proud mama all over again. 

This year, however, there are a LOT fewer concerts than the last few years. I will certainly not complain. In fact, her next concert won't be until January 10 where the band will be premiering their performance pieces for their Washington, DC trip.

That's right. If you haven't heard, Cele's band gets to go to DC in January for the Inauguration ceremonies. In fact, they are playing in a festival attached to the inauguration ceremonies. Cele is beyond excited. So in a (shameless, but necessary) plug for my kiddo, if you would like to help us out with earning money for the trip (she needs a total of $1550) we would really appreciate any help. She is almost always doing fundraisers so there are always those and if you just want to help out, we would love anything you can do. Just call or email me. Facebook works great too.

So now that I have gotten that all out. There you go. We hope you can make it to Cele's next concert. It should be fun and filled with patriotic music. Maybe you'll even get to hear about the plans for the trip.

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