Friday, April 2, 2010

Two years already

It's already been two years since I started this blog. In that time, many things have happened in our lives. Most good, a few bad, and some rather startling and drastic. Let's take a quick look back...
- My divorce (the whole reason I started this blog. So the family could keep up with our lives)
- Celestra has gone from this (age 10)

to this (age 12)

- Many, many choir concerts including the 20th anniversary celebration of Cache Children's Choir and a choir trip to Salt Lake to help the Salt Lake Children's Choir celebrate their 25th anniversary

- two visits to Spokane, Wa. The first to celebrate the marriage of our sister-in-law/aunt to Darryl Burgess and the second to watch our niece/cousin graduate from High School

- A trip to Seattle, Wa and Vancouver, Canada

- A visit from our favorite niece/cousin Brianne

- An emergency flight on helecopter by my mother to Salt Lake where she was put on a ventillator, allowing us another year and a half with her.

- My graduation from College (at least my 1st graduation)

- A couple more weddings, My baby sister Melissa and my friend Laura

- A couple reunions with old friends of mine from High School

- Cele performing in the Opera Carmen

- Cele starting Middle School and the flute

- A Christmas surprise for Celestra in the form of a trip to Houston

- The death of my Mother

What a ride. It will be interesting to see what this year will bring.


Shannon said...

I can't believe your divorce has already been 2 years! I can't wait until mine hits the 2 year mark. Tyler is really dragging ours out, he's such a creeper :(

Joy said...

I'm sorry Shannon :( We really need to get together some time so you can vent to me. Sounds like things have been not so great on that front for you lately.