Friday, February 12, 2010

Watch out Olympus, there's a new generation in town

If you have kids between the ages of 7-14 and they haven't read the Percy Jackson series yet I suggest you get busy! This has become Celestra's favorite series. In fact, she's already read through the entire series three times. Yes, three times! She loves it!

So to honor that, we headed out to the movie theater tonight with my friend Laura and had a great time. Of course Cele had to point out all the things that were different between the book and the movie but she still loved the movie.

So yes take your kids to see a great movie with an absolutely all star cast. They really got some winners for these characters! Can we say Sean Bean, Pierce Brosnan, Uma Therman, etc. The movie may not stick to the book, (but then what movie ever does) but it is a fun movie on its own.


*Katie* said...

I LOVE THESE BOOKS!! J and I are going to see that movie on Monday, I can't WAIT!

Shannon said...

I love how Celestra is such an avid little reader!