Friday, January 29, 2010

What's Happening

So it's been a little while (CoughChristmasCough) since we last updated. We figured it was about time you heard about what's been happening in our little world. Well there are a few changes like:
1) A new Car
2) A new Laptop
3) A new Semester

Other than those changes, life hasn't really had anything notable. So I guess that's all folks...

What? You want an explanation? Oh okay maybe we can do that.

New car
Well that adventure began on December 23, 2009. Mom was out doing the last of the Christmas shopping. She went to turn left into a store and the car stalled on her. It would not start up again. Luckily she was right across the street from a car place. With the help of a friendly gentleman, mom got the car pushed into their lot. They took a look at it over Christmas weekend and we ended up finding out that it would cost more to repair the car than it was worth.

Thus we began car shopping. After many trials and tribulations related more to money than finding a car, we got our new '02 Dodge Intrepid. All we have to say to that is Thank You, Thank You, Thank You to Grandma Eiko. She was our godsend.

New Laptop

Cele's computer has not been working for her at all (its too old and doesn't want to run well any more). There happened to be a liquidation sale going on in Salt Lake over last weekend and since her Choir trip to Denver was cancelled (not enough kids were able to commit to going), we were able to use the deposit money, which we got back, from the trip to buy her a used laptop for about $200.00. And to say she is enjoying it is way too mild of a phrase!
New Semester

This semester mom is trying to tackle 9 credits, work pretty much full time, and handle Cele's demanding schedule. This equals up to no free time; which also means that we don't get to go do fun things very often. Add in our lovely Cache Valley Inversion (meaning noone wants to be outside) and you have mom spending all her time on the computer or with her nose buried in text books and Cele just hanging out. Or off at her friends houses. Though she has made the honor roll for the second time this year! Way to go Cele.
So that's it folks. That's everything that's been going on. And now mom says back to the homework and Cele is off to spend time with her dad. Tata for now.

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